Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Frigid sunshine?!

Jack Nicholson poses as 'Jack' in 'The Shining - 1980'
frozen.. like we were today, and likely tomorrow..
A few more swear words than some would care to admit were thrown around this morning as we entered the, to put it lightly, soul crushing abominably freezing abyss. As if a whopping -22 degrees Celsius wasn’t bad enough, Super G was the chosen discipline. 
We had the pleasure of training with the CHUOH University ski team (originating from Japan) this morning before switching to our GS skis. 

“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.” 

A shot of "Old timer" our SG and GS playground today provided by
Panorama found @panoramaresort on twitter
A tricky delay exit and a very well shaped bottom section proved difficult to finish for some, however successful and very fast skiing for most. We then proceeded to a cardio workout in the Panorama gym followed by a delicious sundried tomato & shrimp alfredo carbonerra (curtosey of Coach Kat), and a quick round of dish washing ski trivia. The girls are just about finished cleaning every single last dish in the kitchen (not because they beat us but because their cleaning skills aren’t nearly as good as their trivia skills – we’ll take what we can get). The rest of the team is off to prepare both pairs of skis for a presumably long and hard day tomorrow mimicking exactly what we did today. Please find below a few videos and some photos of some of the best doing what they do helping us to reach our goals and inspiring us to keep on trekking through the cold.

Here’s Ted ripping some GS on the Sochi Olympic run last year. Never gets old and makes for some great motivation…

Here are some photos of us boys. The authors of your blog tonight ripping in the cold today:

U16 BOYS tearing up the GS course on 'Old timer' this afternoon in session 3

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