Tuesday, December 3, 2013


As promised we have moved into our GS block of training. That athletes transitioned very nicely into this with the 2 powder days - I mean balance training days we had before this transition.

A typical day:
We were on snow today from 815am until 2pm.
The athletes had an hour of yoga at 3pm;
did homework from 4-6pm.
Dinner was at 6 - 7pm;
then we did individual video sessions with all the athletes that took us until 9pm.
The athletes turn in ALL their electronics and have 30 minutes to get organized for curfew at 9:30pm;
... and now here I am ...
It can be a packed schedule and they are very patient and have become more punctual as the camp progresses.

Highlights (apart from their improvements on snow everyday) are most certainly dishwashing ski trivia where the boys took the win tonight on this final question: Name one male and one female world cup racer that has won the overall WC crystal globe between the years of 2000-2009.

We had tons of mileage today with 12 runs in gates, 3 slip runs and 4 warm up. All in -15 degrees Celsius dropping every hour. The course was set moderately with brushy indicators and the athletes were asked to 'over ski' the course creating a lot of shape to their turns. Thus challenging their setup angles and forcing their commitment to the outside ski as they resist all the forces acting on their movements. They are exceeding expectations.

Our 2nd year U16 girls pictured at the panel in today's GS.

Tomorrow we will ski SG to warm up and then head back into GS gates. More action shots to follow. A big shout out to NCOST U16 alumni Raf Quenneville with a 26th place in the an NJR GS held in Loveland, CO. He was the 10th best Canadian and 6th best U18 athlete today. His results can be found by following the link: Click here for Raf's live-timing results he is pictured below training in Colorado.

Raf in ACTION - Photo Creds: Ryan Malmberg (@themalmborg on instagram)

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