Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Pano - YYC - YOW

See you next time Panorama
The top of our last a.m. SuperG session. Some big gains made in SG this camp, especially for the youngsters.
The team is off with Marty watching 'Catching Fire', the 2nd movie in the popular Hunger Games series at the Cineplex in Sunridge Mall, Calgary. I am at the Starbucks enjoying some peppermint tea in an attempt to digest the feast we had at Montana's (It is all you can eat rib night on Wednesday). We arrived in Calgary at around 4:30pm after another hairy drive on the unpredictable 93.

We are very pleased with how the camp went. Other then the 10 day cold snap we were blessed with great weather and at bare minimum the cold yields great hard snow. The athletes are skiing very well. They are confident, competitive with each other and very committed to their improvement before the real racing season begins. 

The shootout ended very dramatically. On the girls side Abby, who had the lead after the GS DNF'd in both her afternoon runs. Rebecca stepped up her intensity in the slalom and took the girls side of the shootout. Jillian was a very close 2nd place and Nora and Nicole also failed to complete their morning/afternoon runs. On the boys front Hunter had a 1.6 second lead going into the slalom. His lead was obliterated by Big-Ben in his first run of slalom where Ben evened the playing field. Ben continued his domination in the afternoon by increasing the margin by another 1.5 seconds. First years Lake and Nick were not too far behind the pace completing both their afternoon and morning runs. Michael Power - skiing very well in sections was unable to finish the course giving him a DNF result. 

Becca was more willing to share her prize with the gang... Ben on the other hand he enjoyed his winnings solo....

ShootOut winner Ben enjoying his dessert
Ben has a personal tradition that every time he goes to Montana's he plays a trick and says that it's someone's Birthday... His target - Marty!

We will return the vans first thing in the morning tomorrow and then head to the airport for our 10:25am flight. We are expected to touch down in Ottawa around 4:15pm.

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