Saturday, November 30, 2013

Trip to the Lake

Below is a photomontage of our day at the Lake.... Starting with our drive (Marty & Kat love the splitting driving routine)

NCOST at the Lake 2013
The 93Kootenay National Park... one hairy highway to the Lake 
The finish corral at the Lake
Found this beaut spectating getting psyched for his SuperG tomorrow. He hooked us up with VIP passes :)
Marty got VIP too :) He took advantage connecting with old friends...

Marty & his old teammate
Vice President of Sports - PK

Left to Right Boys with Ottawa Roots : Jim Hemlin, Martin Rog, Bob Suderman and Andre Quenville 

Panoramic photo fun in the VIP section.. Thanks Dust!

Kjetil Jansrud with Jillian, Nicole and Nick
Henrik Von Appen (CHILE) Was in his 1st World Cup today. We make him look great :)

Alexis and his buddy Erik Guay - today's top Canadian
The beaver is on our nickle, he is also at Lake Louise pictured with
Nora and Nick

Becca & Kat: Back to the VIP tent to snag some treats for the ride home

An hour after hitting the road back to Pano -  Nick was one of many.

Great day had by all! We will enjoy most of the day off tomorrow and hop on GS boards for 2 hours at the end of the day. We are phasing into a GS block. Looking forward to following our Canadian cowboys in the SG. We will Live stream the event in morning before hitting the slopes rooting for our hometown NCOST alumni favourite:

Thanks for the VIP treatment today Dustin and for the
Dustin Cook Swag.  Go get em' tomorrow!

Friday, November 29, 2013

First week goes out with a BASH!

A very well deserving break is on the horizon for the U16 gang. The athletes have been working hard and we are very happy with their improvements and their intensity. Time to close this short chapter on slalom and head into some faster skiing after being inspired by some of Canada's finest at the Lake tomorrow. 
Athletes packing it in on an excellent week of slalom training here in Panorama
Boys  FINALLY  beat the girls at dishwashing ski trivia tonight. (The girls would say it was more that they lost; then they were beaten).
Amazing week & a strong finish in Slalom with cooperative weather, hard snow and exhausted, hardworking U16s.
Slalom is packed in for the next little while moving into GS on Sunday.
Heading to Lake Lousie for the Mens World Cup DH tomorrow.

Signing off on this week of slalom are your equally exhausted and very satisfied coaches who can't wait to watch the racing with the athletes live.

Hand in all electronic devices to the coaches and get some physical and mental rest!

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Reporting to you live from the dinner room in Panorama, BC. You are reading from Becca, Jillian, Abby, Nora, and Nicole.  This morning as the sun rose we clicked on our slalom skis in anticipation of an intense and eventful day on the slopes. As we moved into full slalom gates we focused on perfecting our combinations and our pole plant.  Our fabulous coaches set up two safe environments where we could practice those skills. We skied a flush/hairpin course and one feel good course on the pitch and flats to get comfortable smashing the full gates - a few were obliterated by the always aggressive Jillymiester.

“If you have everything under control, you’re not moving fast enough.”
     Mario Andretti

Erin Mielzynski - our slalom inspiration!

This video from Erin Mielzynski's blog of Canadian Women’s Tech Team is what inspired our combination course:

1. Move towards the combination in the attack position
2. Shield up (one hand clears all gates)
3. Body stays inside corridor
4. Exit with a strong poleplant

After a short and well-earned break we returned into the frozen red and blue abyss tackling our first full-length slalom course of the 2013 – 2014 season. Some people had frustrations, while others excelled in this situation. Great feedback from our coaches helped us excel and overcome these obstacles and improve every run.

Tuning out, its fajita time here in Panorama. We need to go kick the boy’s butts at dishwashing ski trivia. They even formed a super squad tonight to try and take us down. Tonight losing (as Kat says) is not an option. 

Dinner time!
Coaches room for meeting & dinner