Saturday, November 30, 2013

Trip to the Lake

Below is a photomontage of our day at the Lake.... Starting with our drive (Marty & Kat love the splitting driving routine)

NCOST at the Lake 2013
The 93Kootenay National Park... one hairy highway to the Lake 
The finish corral at the Lake
Found this beaut spectating getting psyched for his SuperG tomorrow. He hooked us up with VIP passes :)
Marty got VIP too :) He took advantage connecting with old friends...

Marty & his old teammate
Vice President of Sports - PK

Left to Right Boys with Ottawa Roots : Jim Hemlin, Martin Rog, Bob Suderman and Andre Quenville 

Panoramic photo fun in the VIP section.. Thanks Dust!

Kjetil Jansrud with Jillian, Nicole and Nick
Henrik Von Appen (CHILE) Was in his 1st World Cup today. We make him look great :)

Alexis and his buddy Erik Guay - today's top Canadian
The beaver is on our nickle, he is also at Lake Louise pictured with
Nora and Nick

Becca & Kat: Back to the VIP tent to snag some treats for the ride home

An hour after hitting the road back to Pano -  Nick was one of many.

Great day had by all! We will enjoy most of the day off tomorrow and hop on GS boards for 2 hours at the end of the day. We are phasing into a GS block. Looking forward to following our Canadian cowboys in the SG. We will Live stream the event in morning before hitting the slopes rooting for our hometown NCOST alumni favourite:

Thanks for the VIP treatment today Dustin and for the
Dustin Cook Swag.  Go get em' tomorrow!

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