Monday, November 25, 2013


Top of 'showoff' Sunrise: 8:15am MTN time
The NCOST U16 group has arrived in Panorama. We will call Pano home until December 12th. We are very excited to be here with the entire U16 squad. Today we skied slalom in session 1 & 4. Sessions are 2 hours in duration for the remainder of the week. We are looking to move to 2.5 hours in our second week. Session 1 runs from 8am to 10am and session 4 from 2pm to 4pm. There is currently only 1 trail open here in Pano it is called 'showoff'. Not having to negotiate the public is a serious plus to being out here.

Some of the ladies photo credits to Becca Cook
This morning the athletes jumped into a full slalom course (minimal offset on a gentle piece of terrain) as well as our classic apex drill. This afternoon we broke down the mechanics of their skiing into fine precise movements emphasizing the brain to feet connection. The group was very patient. The skiing was good today, the conditions are hardening, the weather cooperating and we will be in slalom again tomorrow. 

Our schedules vary everyday leaving at minimum 3 hours of homework time. They have dryland everyday after skiing ranging from core work to yoga and relaxation. Athletes are very helpful with preparing dinner and cleaning up. They aren't so bad at eating too - especially these two guys-

Ben & Alexis hanging out after an afternoon run

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