Friday, November 29, 2013

First week goes out with a BASH!

A very well deserving break is on the horizon for the U16 gang. The athletes have been working hard and we are very happy with their improvements and their intensity. Time to close this short chapter on slalom and head into some faster skiing after being inspired by some of Canada's finest at the Lake tomorrow. 
Athletes packing it in on an excellent week of slalom training here in Panorama
Boys  FINALLY  beat the girls at dishwashing ski trivia tonight. (The girls would say it was more that they lost; then they were beaten).
Amazing week & a strong finish in Slalom with cooperative weather, hard snow and exhausted, hardworking U16s.
Slalom is packed in for the next little while moving into GS on Sunday.
Heading to Lake Lousie for the Mens World Cup DH tomorrow.

Signing off on this week of slalom are your equally exhausted and very satisfied coaches who can't wait to watch the racing with the athletes live.

Hand in all electronic devices to the coaches and get some physical and mental rest!

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