Thursday, November 27, 2014

Light's OUT!

Panorama was hit with a power outage around 815am this morning. Fortunately Kat, Marty and York who were hauling gates for our training session got off the lift before the outage happened. Mike, Jillian, Sophia, Sophie, Hunter, and Zac were stuck on the chairlift for about 40 minutes and Nicole and Lake were at the bottom having not got on the lift before the outage.

As it turned out the snow conditions were very challenging to begin with so our session with red & blues was already in question. It had snowed about 10-15cm of fresh stuff and was starting to rain so the fluffy white powder we love was quickly turning into concrete for our quads. When you have 40 minutes to spare, no where to go and no one to have a snowball fight with - BUILD A SNOWMAN! We were highly entertaining for a group of coaches and onlookers stuck on the chair. This handsome fellow was constructed in approximately 10minutes "With a pine cone grin and a basket nose and 2 eyes made out of gate tops?!"... (that's how our version of the song goes)

opening up the upper back with partners
The power came back on at 930am. Athletes have been doing homework since then and took a break between 1130 & 1230 for lunch. We had a PNF [proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation] session at 1:30 and the athletes continued on with their studies through the remainder of the day. With teams vacating at the end of the week the potential exists to have longer training sessions. We have assured the athletes this is the direction we want to go in confidently, but this confidence will only come if their homework efficiency is maxed on days like today.

We had a meeting through dinner and the later part of the afternoon where we talked to the athletes about our expectations for the season and some team rules to make the season run smoothly :)

  1. proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching, is a type of stretching technique that is used to improve active and passive ranges of motion in an attempt to increase motor performance and flexibility.   
We stumbled upon these gems just outside our door the other
day - there will be a lot more coming off the BBQ in the future.....
So we decided to throw some steaks with baked
potatoes and roasted peppers on the BBQ. 
2            -          1
Stay tuned for more from the gang after our GS training session tomorrow. The weather is suppose to get colder and with all the moisture from today that should provide for a solid base moving forward. And for those keeping score (check out our ongoing tally to the right) - the boys demolished the girls in trivia tonight 3-0. It's official they are on the board!

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