Saturday, November 29, 2014

Still in the dark

In the satellite image above the 
base of Pano was lights out as well 
as most of the road leading out of 
the valley. Invermere however was
We woke up this morning with no electricity. This is not the first time we've lost power through the night in our stay here. It is however, the first time that power remained out from the evening through the day. Our power was restored around 1pm (MST) the operations administration decided not to run the lift for the day. Thankfully York had a deck of cards because we lost charge on electronic devices quickly through the morning. Some lost cell service, once power was restored our cable was down for a while so we all gathered around a laptop monitor and watched our Canadians race in both the Lake Louise DH and the GS in Aspen.

We put the athletes through the yoga ringer with a 90 minute session of P90X yoga with Tony Horton. The video [a 90 min time laps reduced to 23seconds] was uploaded earlier onto the NCOST FACEBOOK PAGE (If you are a Facebook user you can click the hyperlink and it should direct you to our page). And to keep our trivia tally going the ladies were back in the kitchen tonight. The boys took the "W"

The weather is very cold here, we have a later start tomorrow and will be skiing GS on old timer (the NorAM run).
Skiers are known for their beautiful feet (everyone can relate) - there was a lot of this
reaction today when I told the athletes you don't use socks in yoga.

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