Wednesday, November 26, 2014

We're BACK!!!

We're back on BLOGGER and we're BACK in PANO!!

There is certainly never a dull moment on the road with the NCO U16 gang. Even flights get exciting when we have a registered nurse, and EMR and a 'medlink' telephone line when athletes are sick mid flight. I feel its necessary to publicly thank WestJet for doing absolutely everything they could to make our sick athlete comfortable. She was moved to the front of the plane, given her own bathroom, they moved passengers so she could sleep across three seats, they moved a coach immediately across, so we could be close by, they paged the plane for any medical practitioners aboard. They made our on the road first aid kit look elementary with their injectable anti-nauseant serum (that happened) and they had our athlete(s) - yes, thats plural. We had another sick athlete during landing and they were both evaluated at the gate to make sure they were safe to continue travelling.

Thank you WestJet for doing your diligence in securing the safety and health of our athletes. 

If you look back to last years post, I'm sure our arrival says something about highway 93... again we were in and out of snow storms as the provincial parks in the area got dumped on through the evening. We checked in at 6pm so the athletes had plenty of time to rest up for our 745am start.

The athletes skied slalom today on showoff (the main run under the lift) from 8am-12pm. We had stubbies and brushes setup so that the athletes could challenge themselves to maximize their edge angle staying in forward active position. The athletes are already working hard on homework and completing tests and quizzes on the road. We had an amazing yoga session post-ski, and enjoyed a pasta casserole for dinner.

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