Friday, November 28, 2014

"Without challenge there is no change"

There are a variety of things that can challenge a ski racer. There is weather, (which we encountered today - and everyday that it is not bluebird and hero snow). There is injury, which many of our racers are learning is inherent with the risk associated in our sport. There is fear, in many forms; fear of failure, fear of injury, fear of disappointment etc.. Everyday we go out on snow all we ask of our athletes is to challenge themselves to make a change - in this undertaking some challenges may be overcome and for others another obstacle may be established. This requires focus, it requires energy it requires patience and most importantly this process requires a lot of support.

"In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater then your fear of failure"

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Today the rain challenged our GS conditions, today injury plagued some athletes, today some demonstrated their weaknesses and others established new strengths and this is what makes working everyday with this group of athletes an exciting experience.

We watched a video tonight from youtube - many would think this video would intimidate viewers. It was cool to see our athletes associate with some of the world cup stars it was also refreshing to have their vulnerabilities exposed. If you wish to watch the video check it out hit the link: THE THIN LINE .

Boys were back in the kitchen tonight after a tough set of questions asking the athletes about powerhouse Nations and digging deep into some ski racing history.

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