Sunday, August 18, 2013

BBQ-ing, Sandals, Tans & Ski Boots?!

Hola Amigos!
Abby Thomas: Morning warm up 7:45am

Athletes today were excited to get on the longer skis and pickup the speed. We spent the day free-skiing on lane 14, where we will set tomorrow. It was a chilly morning and the athletes had to stop often to do some active stretching to warm up. We start skiing at ~ 745am and the sun does not make its way to the top of our lane until 10:15am.

JP and Mike discussing the top of the turn
 vs. the position exiting the gate

JP Roy joined our group in the 2nd half of our day. He will continue to ski with us Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday until we head back into 2 days of SL before heading home. It is so great to have his knowledge of the sport and specifically the discipline while coaching the athletes. I think after today the athletes are even more fired up to run some reds & blues with the Nations best in their corner.

It's very unusual to be in a place where I start in winter gear in the morning, spring skiing as the day progresses and after skiing down to our starting point (t-bar #1 in Farallones) I can take my ski boots off and walk home in sandals and a t-shirt. Keeping that theme we came home to a delicious summer BBQ feast that our cook Christen made up for us. Stock piled high were chicken wings, pork ribs and steak, accompanying this was traditional Chilean salad (lettuce, corn, tomatoes). The athletes are at that point in the camp where they are
starting to compare their 'goggle tans' with each other. So far Nick Caves has taken the lead (pictured on the left).

Our dining area

There is a little bug going around the town we are staying in. Athletes from all teams apparently are dropping like flies. I may have been the first culprit of this 24 hour flu. Because we are living in such close quarters as well it is very easy for germs to spread. Rest assured the athletes are reminded to rest when it's time, wash their hands constantly, go to bed at curfew, & drink lots of fluids. My small but mighty first aid kit has been put to great use, not only for tuning injuries but headaches, fevers and muscle pains.

Buenas noches -
A demain..
More tomorrow :)

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