Monday, August 12, 2013


When we talk about skiing in various corners of the world we often find ourselves discussing the weather. Today was no different. We wouldn’t be challenged as much as we are in what we do if Mother Nature wasn’t such a huge ----- from time to time.

To get to the lunch lodge “La Parador” which was the base of what we skied today we had to venture through some thick fog on 2 T-Bars and a short hand tow. We we’re keeping our fingers crossed that when we arrived to La Parador we would enter a beautiful land of blue bird. Not so much the case. Clouds encased everything. The upper mountain was closed today and we skied on come gentle terrain that was serviced by a triple chair on the lower portion of the mountain. Athletes focused on mileage following each other working with “the stem drill” extending the leg early in the turn to obtain early outside ski pressure – as the day progressed with this they phased in a longer (15m) turn on their slalom skis.

This little puppy adopted us after our first T-Bar ride. Running uphill
the duration of the 2nd ride. He hung out at the base of the Mountain
with us and then joined us again for a siesta at lunch time.
At first the visibility proved to be difficult and then a system of some pretty hefty snow moved in.  Making our last few runs boot top powder. All-in-all a productive day. I reminded the athletes it’s days like these that make us appreciate the rock star snow days and that toughing out these challenges makes us stronger skiers. Negotiating weather is part of the task in this sport and they all handled it wonderfully.

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