Sunday, August 11, 2013


Buenas Tardes!

We have arrived at our destination in Farallones. Athletes are setting up their rooms and settling in. Expect some contact shortly as the WiFi password is being sent around. Flights from Montreal through to Santiago were very smooth and shorter then expected. We took off late from Toronto and landed early in Santiago. Athletes slept about an average 4 hours through the long flight. We were served a late dinner and breakfast while travelling - after landing we stopped at the superMarket for some snacks for lunch. After travelling 5000 or so miles, 37 switchbacks we are looking at lots of snow and a temperature of -5 degrees Celsius. There has been substantial snowfall here so we will likely be able to take a lift up to ElColorado opposed to a shuttle, and for the time being skiing down to our little 'casa tinto' is possible.

Plan tomorrow is to freeski for both FIS and U16, dust off the spring/summer cobwebs get use to new equipment, boots and find our balance also scope out the area and some terrain to setup our drill courses on for the proceeding sessions.

Ciao for now

Our travels to find snow are long.... and beautiful.

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