Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tipsters & Hipsters

Fresh groomed snow
-10 overnight
Bluebird morning
...Doesn't get much better then that.
We finally saw Chile after being here for 72hours - let me say it was well worth the wait.

Our goal for the morning session was to maintain outside ski pressure as much as possible in freeskiing(FS) and technical FS drills. This involved a lot of stem and javeline turns on moderate terrain and varying turn shapes. The title tipster and hipster is very fitting because as coaches we often find that young athletes engage the shoulder in the turn or drop their inside hand (tipsters) or rotate and lock their hip in the turn very early cutting off potential edge angle (hipsters). All of this tipping and hipping pulls away from our goal of the day which was to be in a balanced stance while maintaing outside ski pressure.
After a video session Rebecca Cook found a nice strip of real estate that a groomer had just passed by. She was the last athlete down and I decided to "Figure-Eight" her turns
Midway up on our journey around the mountain

After lunch (which Hunter and Nick were already talking about at 9:30am) we explored the mountain. You can ski around the whole entire glacier circling back to where you started. A very cool experience as the terrain on each side of the glacier varies and the athletes had no problem finding some of the "pow" and steeper terrain. To end off the day we circled back to where we spent the morning and focused back on outside ski pressure. The gentle terrain we had been working on all morning quickly became very flat after what we were exposed to on the other side of the mountain.

Tomorrow we have lane space with Estrie. They will be training GS and we will be doing some SL drill courses, maintaining focus on outside ski pressure. We will be on 16 (if anyone has access to a virtual trail map). From farallones where we will start at 8am tomorrow it will take them 6 T-bar rides to get to our lane.

Hasta Luego!

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