Saturday, August 17, 2013

día de descanso (DAY OFF)

El equipo en Chile
The girls looking into the Andes
Wake up this morning was at the latest 9am. Most of the athletes woke up on their own before then and made their way to our dining room. The U16s did 1-on-1 video this morning to wrap up their slalom skiing. For the next bit we are heading into GS. Today we started at 10:15am very late start. We decided to ski because we would have had to put our gear on to go eat lunch. As well the athletes were talking about doing other activities and I figured if they had the energy for that we might as well hit the slopes for a few. The plan was to just take it easy and get use to the long boards again. We did about 6 runs before the athletes got hungry for lunch (12:30). They ate, and then we called it a day. Tomorrow we are going to have lots of fun in GS free-skiing interpreting the GS turn shape as I noticed some fairly large turns today.

Nick and Abby in the relaxation part of our yoga session
The FIS group also had a low key day today, they ate lunch at a local restaurant here in Farallones and while they were out we did some yoga in our small common area. I associated the practice of yoga for the new boys to the team as an aid to help limit distractions. Yoga is often practiced in small spaces with minimal space between people. It take a strong mind to focus internally on their physical practice and minimize the distractions of what others can and can't do during the yoga session. At the start of a race we often see athletes that are consumed with others and their surroundings. If they are confident in their pre-race routine and can focus on the task at hand  what those around them are doing is of no concern to the athlete who is strong in mind.

Tonight we look forward to some homemade pizza from our Cook and Housekeeper Christen. Some athletes are doing laundry and catching up on summer courses others are exploring the village and most just laying low and relaxing.

Tomorrow the U16's will start a little later compared to our start time when we have lane space and we will free-ski in GS until the late afternoon.

“To uncover your true potential you must 
first find your own limits and then you have to have 
the courage to blow past them.” – Picabo Street

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